Stirling Number of the Second Kind: Stirling Number, Combinatorics, Stirling Numbers of the First Kind, Bell Number, Empty Product, Pochhammer Symbol, Binomial Coefficient, Sierpinski Triangle артикул 5113d.
Stirling Number of the Second Kind: Stirling Number, Combinatorics, Stirling Numbers of the First Kind, Bell Number, Empty Product, Pochhammer Symbol, Binomial Coefficient, Sierpinski Triangle артикул 5113d.

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! In mathematics, Stirling numbers of the second kind, together with Stirling numbers of the first kind, are one of the two types of Stirling numbers They commonly occur in the combinatorics, where they appear in the study of partitions The Stirling numbers of the first and second kind can be understood ожукл to be inverses of one-another, when taken as triangular matrices This article is devoted to specifics of Stirling numbers of the second kind; further identities linking the two kinds, and general information, is given in the article on Stirling numbers.  Эта книга2010 г Мягкая обложка, 140 стр ISBN 6130347731.